Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Justin Bieber is hosting Punk’d….God save us

What’s worse than Punk’d or Justin Bieber? Justin Bieber hosting Punk’d. Ashton Kutcher just announced that he will be rebooting the series on MTV, but he’ll only act as the executive producer this time. Kutcher will producer under his Katalyst banner and he has chosen Justin Bieber as his successor.

Bieber (or shall I say the self-proclaimed “new Kurt Cobain”) might be the biggest tween superstar ever. He’s like a Jonas brother on pubescent steroids. His songs are not only adored by adolescents, they’re played in nightclubs all over the world.  The kid’s got brass and he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

You know what they say: if you can’t beat em, join em. Well I, for one, do not believe in this. Make no mistake about it, Justin Bieber is a monster. He’s already ruining music; will we let him ruin television? A movie career will surely follow and when that happens, the apocalypse can’t be far off.

So what does the Bieberfication of modern media mean? To put it simply: we’re all fucked.

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