Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kiefer Sutherland's Hitting Broadway

Kiefer Sutherland hasn’t been up to anything since 24 ended. Now, he’s set to star in Jason Miller’s That Championship Season alongside Brian Cox, Jim Gaffigan, and Jason Patric. The story focuses on a group of friends that were on a championship basketball team, reuniting after 20 years. The play first debuted in 1972 and won both a Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize. However, with Sutherland as the lead, this production has enormous destructive possibilities.

Sutherland is notorious for being extremely hard to work with. 24 ended because he was showing up shitfaced to work everyday. He has 4 DUIs, with the most recent one in 2007. Earlier this year, he was kicked out of a New York strip club for being too drunk and taking his shirt off. This came after pledging he would quit drinking and focus on acting after his last DUI arrest. He might be a good actor, but the guy’s got as much class as a can of wine.

The only reason he became a celebrity was because of his father Donald. But riding the coattails to the top can only get you so far. Eventually, you need to prove you belong where you are and Sutherland has failed his father and himself time and time again. 

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